Meet Sonjia Pelton - Sam


 “Creatively Transforming Lives Inside & Out”



 #THE GLAM Coach

Your transformation is going to be amazing!!! I GUARANTEE IT… 




I’m Sonjia Pelton-Sam and I teach people how to live life creatively inside & out by creating your life’s DESTINY NOW!!!


I started creating my own destiny after dropping out of college, a number of failed relationships, two horrible divorces, filing bankruptcy, becoming a single mom of 2 amazing kids, and a few scary medical diagnoses along the way, but I overcame them all with God, positive affirmations, a positive mindset, and having a clear vision of my destiny.


As a result, I remarried, went back to school became a certified cosmetology instructor, obtained 2 Associates degrees, a Bachelor’s degree, and a Life Coaching Certification.  Nowadays I spend my time educating everyday people how to live life creatively. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or the CEO of a multi-million-dollar corporation, I can help you and shift you into your DESTINY NOW by:

*Developing a strategic “success” plan

*Increasing your visualization and faith by simply helping you shift to positive thinking. 

*Eliminate barriers, not down negativity, and overcome obstacles that can cause stress and  negative thoughts that can inhibit you from attaining your obtainable goal to your DESTINY Now!


The greatest tools we have to transform our lives are our MIND! We are transformed by the renewing of our minds daily. The ability to think and speak positivity into your own life and then to others is a very valuable asset.  This is why I have dedicated my life and this site to educate, train, and develop leaders, just like you on how to Live life Creatively & Unlock your DESTINY Now for GREATNESS.

I just happen to be your ideal empowerment speaker for audiences of all types: 1 on 1 coaching, speaker for elementary, middle, and high school assemblies, as well as colleges, conferences, luncheons, churches, summer camp programs, workshops, mini retreats, summits and corporate events.

Presentations are:

Educational, Entertaining, Informative, and Results driven; giving you Clarity, Strategy, and Execution that shifts your Vision & Affirmations into your real DESTINY NOW!

Book your consultation

Book your 15 min. FREE consultation today…I am exciting and waiting to meet you plus meet your coaching needs!!!!